Tuesday, January 28, 2025

3 Little Known Facts About Diets

December 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Loss Tips

Before you can lose any weight there are a few things you NEED to know about yourself and your body. Not every diet is going to work for you like it did for someone else. Everyones metabolism is different, body fat, what you need in calories per day etc. all have to be taken into consideration when starting any weight loss program. So here are some things you need to look at before you start any diet.

An easy way to get a close estimate of how many calories you naturally burn off each day is to multiply what you weigh now times ten. The number you get when you do this is called your “Basic Metabolic Rate.” For example, if you weight 210 pounds, your basic metabolic rate would be 2100 calories per day. If you weigh 95, your basic metabolic rate would be 950 calories. There are more accurate BMR calculators online. Do a search if you want a more exact number, but this simple method will work as a quick rule of thumb to follow. Anyway, once you have this number, you will know how many calories you need to eat.

Fat loss diets don’t have to restrict the “kind” of foods you eat. You can still eat the same types of food you eat now … you simply need to know how many calories are in what you’re eating so you can plan your meals accordingly to eat less calories than what you know (based on the number you got above) you will burn off in a day. So if you got 1400 above, you’ll want to eat less than 1400 calories a day to effectively lose body fat.

Now that you know how many calories you should put in each day, and how many calories are in each serving of the foods you usually eat, the next step to creating the perfect fat loss diet for you is to plan your meals so you eat less than the amount of calories your body naturally burns off each day. Yes, you can still eat foods that “taste good,” as long as you don’t go over the number of calories you’re going to get rid of, so you don’t have to worry about trying to work in buying “special foods” for yourself. You can eat the same foods the rest of your family eats. It’s not “what” you eat. Instead, it’s all about the numbers.

#1: How many calories does your body burn off naturally in a day, and

#2: How many calories are in the foods you normally eat, and

#3: A daily diet plan based on the numbers from 1 and 2 above wherein you eat less calories than your body burns off each day.

If you follow these guidelines, all your future fat loss diets will be as simple as 1-2-3!

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